I have been sitting back a reading these posts and realize there are a lot of passionate wrestling people in Kansas. I have always voted against six and under for state because it always includes talk of reducing weight classes for fourteen and sixteen year olds. A perfect example of this is a kid from our team he has been in wrestling for 8 years and is dedicated to the sport. He has been a 4 time state placer and is a freshman in high school now. He weighs only 82lbs and was forced to compete at 103 in high school. He told me the other day he will be glad when kids start so he can wrestle people his size again. If Kansas can find a facility big enough to keep the 14 and 16 weight classes as they are now and add six and under I would vote for it in a minute, but Topeka is not big enough for this and I would hate to take oppurtunities away from kids like the on mentioned above. Until a different and bigger facility is found I will keep voting no. I am sorry if this offends anyone but I don't think it is right to take away oppurtunities from one group to give to another. Do six year olds deserve to be there, yes they do but under the current arrangement it is not feasable to include everyone. Maybe we need to start looking at different facilities to hold the state tournament. If anyone has a solution please post it and let the body vote on it.

Tom Baughman
Pleasant Ridge Wrestling