"Ark City and Hoxie are the only teams that have won consistantly over the 74 years...."
I would disagree. I think that if you look it up, AC and Hoxie were not able to win a title until the schools were split up in 1966. that leaves them three decades (almost) behind Sainty, who won their first in 1938, when they had to beat everybody. of St. Francis' 16 titles, 8 were exclusive-- one class, the original Grand State. Wichita East had 9 during that time period. It has been mentioned that two of St. Francis' titles were ties, any state champion after 1966 (except the Grand state champs) is in the same boat, sharing the title with one to three other schools. I will concede that AC's 11 straight 88=98 run is legendary, several of those teams possibly being among the best ever, I doubt that would have been possible before 1966 when so many schools were contending that could take out your scorers. there is no doubt that AC would have won several of those 11 in an all-inclusive venue, I just doubt if they would have won all of them. Fact of the matter is that only St. Francis has won titles in all decades that wrestling has been in Kansas, and even though they might not be in the top 3 or 4 teams of all time, they cannot be dismissed for the consistency award for the 74 years. I think that this decade may bring them down, as they just get smaller and amaller due to the farm economy, and they may be swallowed up if consolidation gets to be a big deal, but over their run, with the amazing variety of coaches that they have had, their run of titles over time will not be duplicated, because no other team has been at the top for so long.