Go to any web site, I don't think it has to be a gif, can be a jpeg. Obviously you have to be on your profile info where you change the avatar info. Then where it says select a new one you will put in the address of the photo you want to use.

Now picking out a photo: On the web page that has the photo you want to use, you will right click and then go to properties. At the bottom of the properties there will be a html address. Copy and paste the entire web address into the address for the avatar listed in your profile. Save all of that and it should work. If the jpeg or gif is not in a web, html location I don't know if you can save it or not. If not and you email me a copy of the photo I can save it to a web address for you to use your own avatar, assuming that it is appropriate. A great site for wrestling related material is located here: http://www.wrestlingsbest.com/?=em=wgc