Originally posted by rdmett:
I heard rumors this past weekend that the colliseum is going to be closed next year for renovations and that the state tournament may be held in Salina. Anyone else hear anything about that?
I heard the same rumors, but I asked a very reliable source who heard from Muselman that the renovations will begin next year the day after we leave, so we have at least 1 more year of dealing with the Coliseum, which was the most hospitable it has been in the 6 years I have been going there.
My largest complaints were with the way the tournament directors ran the breaks.

Mats were waited to be mopped until the last 30 minutes of the breaks instead of at the beginning. This left wrestlers with no place to warm up.

The parade of champions at the beginning is ridiculus. The wrestlers had to go line up 45 minutes before the were allowed on to the mats. That means many kids couldn't warm up for about an hour prior to the start of the tournament.

The parade of placers before the finals is also ridiculous. The wrestlers again had to clear the mat 45 minutes before the finals began. That means that 103 pounders had to stand in place instead of warming up. There is no reason for all the placers to be walked out, they will be recognized on the medal podium. If just the finalists were lined up it would take far less time. And the awards could also be done a little faster.

All in all I thought this was the least jerky the coliseum staff has been, but the tourney directors need to worry less about putting on a show, and more about running a wrestling tournament that allows the kids a chance to warm-up and get ready properly.

Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn- and most do.