1. How do you feel about the cleanliness of the State environment of the 4,5,6a venue in Wichita?

2. How do you think the coaches, athletes, spectators..etc, are treated by Collesium staff, and explain.

3. Is the 4,5,6a venue at Wichita money driven?

4. Is there a need of a new venue? If so where should it go?

5. Is there a need for a new tournament direct? If so whom?

Threw down 5....if you can my deadline will be the 8th of March (Monday) by 6pm.

Feel free to email me at ucosweazy@yahoo.com

Please include first and last name, town you are from, and how affiliated with the sport..i.e: spectator, referee, athlete, coach, cheerleader, manager..etc. If you are from a school please let me know if you are a coach whether you are a head coach or otherwise and of what school, same thing applies to wrestlers (let me know what school you attend and add what year in school you are).

Thanks for your time...hopefully we can get something done as a community!

Yours in wrestling,

The Swayz
swayz.wrestling@gmail.com recruiting help, promoting the sport& more!