Originally posted by Ryan Jilka:
Originally posted by bighead:
You won't catch me eating tacos with Goddard. Funny how Taco Shop is more convenient than anything in the town you're all supposed to be living in.
Although very few of the wrestlers actually live in Goddard (our district is over 60 square miles), the Taco Bell in town doesn't have "All you can eat."

This is also supposed to be for fun, and we want to do it with people from all over the area. Hopefully, wrestlers from all over will do this and we can all have some fun. Why not meet in the middle?

Finally, we like to support the family of Wichita South coaches. I think Mike should get a kick back from his uncle.
I get a good kickback already! They do all my fundraisers for me and pretty much fund the entire winter sports programs here at South. It's a goo deal!

Thanks Taco Shop and Uncle Steve Church

Coach Church

"Well spoken words have great value, but hard work has it's own rewards"