Originally posted by Prant Garker:
How dare all of you issue an eating contest challenge without sending an invitation to the Northeast.

Is it because you're all afraid I'll win? Is it because you know I recently ate 60 chicken wings, have easily finished a Grande Meal, have completed the Wonder Meal on numerous occasions and have eaten a large mushroom pizza from Sbarros in under half an hour? Is it because you can't cover the cost to fly me to the area? Is it because my appearance fee is so high?

Or is it a showing of respect, recognizing that I alone have the power to demolish the entire taco population of south-central Kansas?
We didn't invite you for all of the above. We're trying to get some practice before you come demolish us all. You're more than welcome to come though whenever you get the chance. Just make sure you give us warning so we can make sure Taco Shop is prepared.

Curtis Chenoweth