Ol'ACDC dog I had a dog like you once but we can't go into that here. This is a metro classic thread. We need to stick together and make sure KS boys are prepared to face MO and their hooligan crowd. I'm sick and tired of walkin' out of there with my tail between my legs. Win or lose we're proud of you, sure because you're our boys. But, who's really responsible for the whippin' our boys have been takin' at the Metro Classic if not their hs coaches? We get different kids every year but the same result. It's the coaches that remain constant and they aren't workin smart and hard enough to beat those MO hs coaches. Hurla, I'll tell you what. You're a salty one to stand up to me and you have the chance to prove me wrong. If you beat Graham or your team comes within 10 points of Mo then March 8 will be my farewell post. Until then someone has to be the voice of reason.