My son was in the 8&U district tourn in Baldwin this weekend. Last year he made it to state & he really wanted to go back this year. He has had very good luck with wrestling & this year was his toughest so far. He has been a poor sport in the past because he just wasn't used to losing & I think it is really hard for the younger ones to accept sometimes. In his last match he had to win to get to 3rd & 4th & he got pinned. Because we have told him several times a true champion leaves the mat the same way he came on, with his head held high. I think what he did next was very special. He got pinned & instead of crying like in the past he got up, looked over at his dad & coach, smiled & gave a thumbs up sign. He then went to the center shook hands with his opponet, the ref, & the other coaches. He knew his year was over so there were tears in his eyes but he did not throw a fit or disrespect the kid who beat him. In this sport I think you are always learning & I think us as parents need to remember that & just keep encouraging the kids to hold their heads up & be a winner no matter what. We as adults also need to be a good example for our children & not get so upset when they lose.Congrats to all the kids who moved on this year & good luck at state.