I always tell my son about losing..."you don't have to like it, but you have to deal with it. That's how you get better". He doesn't lose alot but he does get beat. And when it happens he is pretty mad. He gets up, shakes hands, gets off the mat and THEN he will start to show a tear or two.

You want kids to have passion and emotion in wrestling. I believe it is what sets the great ones apart. We cannot expect these kids to show no emotion when many of them like HoseyCrew said have put their entire lives into it for several months and years. If we want that peak emotion and refuse to lose passion on the mat. It's pretty unrealistic to think as soon as it's over they will be able to turn it off. Rather than show no emotion I suggest we help them channel that into focus on getting better.

If they are respectful that is all I ask.
